

Scientia, meaning knowledge, give the feeling of sitting in an old library, surrounded by books and an open fire.



Scientia, meaning knowledge, give the feeling of sitting in an old library, surrounded by books and an open fire. Often when looking for answers, we want the quick fix, but just like books, that are full of resources if we were to look for them, what resources could we find and use that are all around us?

Scientia, qui signifie connaissance, donne l’impression d’être assis dans une vieille bibliothèque, entouré de livres et d’un feu ouvert. Souvent, lorsque nous cherchons des réponses, nous voulons une solution rapide, mais tout comme les livres, qui regorgent de ressources si nous les cherchons, quelles ressources pourrions-nous utiliser autour de nous?

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Weight 750 g


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